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Microsoft Melaporkan Penjualan Triwulanan Naik 16% Menjadi $65,6 Miliar karena Investor Bertanya Apakah Belanja AI Layak Dilakukan

Microsoft pada hari Rabu melaporkan penjualan kuartalannya tumbuh 16% menjadi $65,6 miliar karena perusahaan berusaha meyakinkan investor bahwa pengeluaran besarnya untuk kecerdasan buatan membuahkan hasil.

Perusahaan telah menghabiskan miliaran dolar untuk memperluas jaringan global pusat data dan infrastruktur fisik lainnya yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan teknologi AI yang dapat menyusun dokumen, membuat gambar, dan berfungsi sebagai asisten pribadi yang nyata di tempat kerja atau di rumah.

Hasilnya, produk-produk terkait AI kini berada di jalur yang tepat untuk menyumbang sekitar $10 miliar bagi pendapatan tahunan perusahaan, “bisnis tercepat dalam sejarah kami yang mencapai tonggak sejarah ini,” kata CEO Satya Nadella dalam panggilan telepon dengan para analis pada hari Rabu.

Pembuat perangkat lunak tersebut juga melaporkan peningkatan laba kuartalan sebesar 11% menjadi $24,7 miliar, atau $3,30 per saham, yang melampaui ekspektasi Wall Street untuk periode Juli-September.

Analis yang disurvei oleh FactSet Research memperkirakan Microsoft akan memperoleh $3,10 per saham dari pendapatan sebesar $64,6 miliar.

Microsoft belum secara resmi melaporkan pendapatan khusus dari produk AI tetapi mengatakan telah memasukkan teknologi dan asisten AI-nya, yang disebut Copilot, ke dalam semua segmen bisnisnya, khususnya kontrak komputasi awan Azure-nya.

Penjualan tertinggi pada kuartal ini adalah segmen bisnis produktivitas Microsoft, yang mencakup rangkaian email Office dan produk tempat kerja lainnya, yang tumbuh 12% menjadi $28,3 miliar.

Segmen bisnis Microsoft yang berfokus pada cloud tumbuh 20% dari periode yang sama tahun lalu menjadi $24,1 miliar untuk tiga bulan yang berakhir pada 30 September.

Bisnis komputasi personalnya, yang dipimpin oleh divisi Windows, tumbuh 17% menjadi $13,2 miliar. Sebagian besar pertumbuhan tersebut berasal dari bisnis gim video Xbox milik Microsoft, yang didorong oleh pembeliannya terhadap raksasa penerbit gim Activision Blizzard setahun yang lalu.

Microsoft dan para pembuat komputer yang menjalankan sistem operasi Windows juga tahun ini meluncurkan kelas baru laptop yang disematkan AI saat perusahaan menghadapi persaingan ketat dari para pesaing Big Tech dalam menawarkan teknologi AI generatif kepada konsumen dan tempat kerja.

Membangun dan mengoperasikan sistem AI mahal dan Microsoft melaporkan pengeluaran $20 miliar selama kuartal tersebut, sebagian besar untuk kebutuhan komputasi awan dan AI-nya. Itu termasuk membangun pusat komputasi yang haus energi dan memasoknya dengan chip khusus untuk melatih dan menjalankan model AI.

Microsoft juga telah menginvestasikan miliaran dolar dalam perusahaan rintisan AI, khususnya mitranya OpenAI, pembuat ChatGPT dan teknologi chatbot yang mendasari Copilot milik Microsoft sendiri.

Nadella menekankan dorongan perusahaan untuk membuat pelanggan menerapkan platform AI di tempat kerja mereka saat alat AI mengubah pekerjaan dan tugas kerja.

Nadella, yang sekarang memasuki tahun kesepuluh sebagai CEO, melihat kompensasi tahunannya meningkat 63% tahun ini menjadi $79 juta, menurut sebuah pernyataan yang diajukan menjelang rapat pemegang saham tahunan Microsoft mendatang pada bulan Desember. Padahal Nadella menawarkan agar insentif tunai yang diterimanya dikurangi untuk mencerminkan akuntabilitas pribadinya dalam menangani ancaman keamanan siber.

Awal tahun ini, sebuah laporan pedas oleh dewan peninjau federal menemukan “serangkaian kegagalan keamanan” oleh Microsoft yang memungkinkan peretas yang didukung negara Tiongkok membobol akun email pejabat senior AS.

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Cara Bermain Slot Gampang Menang: Panduan Lengkap untuk Pemain


Permainan slot adalah salah satu jenis permainan kasino yang paling populer di dunia, baik di kasino fisik maupun online. Dengan kemudahan akses dan berbagai pilihan permainan, banyak pemain yang tertarik untuk mencoba peruntungan mereka. Namun, tidak semua pemain memahami cara bermain dengan efektif untuk meningkatkan peluang menang. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas secara mendalam tentang cara bermain slot gampang menang, mulai dari dasar hingga strategi yang dapat membantu Anda meraih kemenangan.

1. Memahami Dasar-Dasar Slot

1.1 Apa itu Slot?

Slot adalah permainan yang melibatkan gulungan berputar dengan simbol yang berbeda. Pemain akan memutar gulungan dan berharap mendapatkan kombinasi simbol yang menguntungkan. Permainan ini sangat bergantung pada keberuntungan, tetapi ada beberapa faktor yang dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda.

1.2 Jenis-Jenis Slot

  1. Slot Klasik: Biasanya terdiri dari tiga gulungan dan simbol klasik seperti buah-buahan, lonceng, dan angka.
  2. Video Slot: Memiliki grafik yang lebih canggih, animasi, dan berbagai fitur bonus.
  3. Slot Progresif: Jackpot terus bertambah seiring dengan taruhan pemain. Jackpot ini bisa mencapai jumlah yang sangat besar.
  4. Slot 3D: Menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang lebih interaktif dengan grafik tiga dimensi yang menarik.

1.3 Cara Kerja Slot

Setiap mesin slot memiliki generator angka acak (RNG) yang menentukan hasil setiap putaran. Ini berarti bahwa setiap putaran adalah independen dari putaran sebelumnya, dan tidak ada cara untuk memprediksi hasilnya.

2. Memilih Slot yang Tepat

2.1 Memperhatikan RTP (Return to Player)

RTP adalah persentase dari total taruhan yang dibayarkan kembali kepada pemain dalam jangka panjang. Pilih slot dengan RTP minimal 95% untuk meningkatkan peluang menang.

2.2 Memahami Varians Slot

  1. Slot Varians Rendah: Membayar lebih sering dengan jumlah yang kecil. Cocok untuk pemain yang ingin bermain lebih lama dengan taruhan kecil.
  2. Slot Varians Tinggi: Membayar lebih jarang tetapi dengan jumlah yang lebih besar. Cocok untuk pemain yang berani mengambil risiko.

2.3 Memilih Tema dan Fitur

Pilih slot yang sesuai dengan minat Anda. Banyak pemain merasa lebih terhibur ketika mereka menikmati tema dan fitur dari permainan yang mereka mainkan.

3. Strategi Bermain Slot

3.1 Manajemen Bankroll

Salah satu kunci utama untuk sukses dalam bermain slot adalah manajemen bankroll. Berikut beberapa tips:

  • Tetapkan Anggaran: Tentukan berapa banyak uang yang siap Anda habiskan dan patuhi batas tersebut.
  • Pecah Anggaran: Bagi bankroll Anda menjadi sesi kecil untuk menghindari pengeluaran berlebihan dalam satu waktu.
  • Catat Kemenangan dan Kerugian: Melacak kinerja Anda dapat membantu Anda memahami pola dan membuat keputusan yang lebih baik di masa depan.

3.2 Memanfaatkan Bonus dan Promosi

Banyak situs slot menawarkan bonus sambutan, free spins, dan promosi lainnya. Manfaatkan ini untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak peluang bermain tanpa mengeluarkan uang tambahan.

3.3 Bermain di Waktu yang Tepat

Terdapat beberapa teori mengenai waktu terbaik untuk bermain slot. Beberapa pemain percaya bahwa bermain di malam hari atau akhir pekan memberikan peluang lebih baik. Namun, ini tergantung pada RNG dan tidak ada bukti pasti.

4. Tips untuk Meningkatkan Peluang Menang

4.1 Mainkan Slot dengan Fitur Bonus

Slot dengan fitur bonus seperti free spins, multipliers, dan simbol liar dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang. Pelajari cara kerja fitur-fitur ini sebelum mulai bermain.

4.2 Jangan Terjebak dalam “Gim Yang Menguntungkan”

Seringkali, pemain merasa terikat pada mesin tertentu yang mereka anggap “menguntungkan.” Ingatlah bahwa semua mesin memiliki RNG yang independen, jadi jangan terlalu terikat pada satu mesin.

4.3 Coba Versi Demo

Sebelum bermain dengan uang sungguhan, coba versi demo dari permainan yang ingin Anda mainkan. Ini akan membantu Anda memahami cara kerja permainan tanpa risiko kehilangan uang.

4.4 Tetap Tenang dan Sabar

Slot adalah permainan yang sangat bergantung pada keberuntungan. Jika Anda mengalami kekalahan beruntun, jangan terburu-buru untuk menggandakan taruhan Anda. Tetap tenang dan bermain dengan sabar.

5. Kesalahan Umum yang Harus Dihindari

5.1 Mengabaikan Ketentuan dan Syarat

Sebelum mengklaim bonus atau promosi, pastikan Anda memahami ketentuan dan syarat yang berlaku. Ini akan membantu Anda menghindari masalah di kemudian hari.

5.2 Bermain Saat Emosional

Jika Anda merasa stres atau marah, sebaiknya hindari bermain. Keputusan yang diambil dalam kondisi emosional sering kali tidak rasional.

5.3 Terlalu Terfokus pada Jackpot

Meskipun jackpot besar menarik, jangan lupakan slot dengan pembayaran yang lebih konsisten. Memiliki variasi dalam permainan dapat membantu meningkatkan peluang menang.

6. Memilih Situs Slot yang Tepat

6.1 Lisensi dan Regulasi

Pilih situs yang memiliki lisensi resmi dan diatur oleh otoritas perjudian yang diakui. Ini akan menjamin bahwa permainan yang Anda mainkan adil dan aman.

6.2 Ulasan Pemain

Sebelum mendaftar di situs tertentu, baca ulasan dari pemain lain. Ini dapat memberikan wawasan tentang pengalaman mereka dan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.

6.3 Metode Pembayaran

Pastikan situs yang Anda pilih menawarkan metode pembayaran yang aman dan nyaman. Pilih situs yang menyediakan opsi deposit dan penarikan yang cepat.

7. Kesimpulan

Bermain slot gampang menang memerlukan pemahaman yang baik tentang permainan, strategi yang tepat, dan manajemen bankroll yang bijaksana. Dengan mengikuti panduan ini, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk meraih kemenangan dan menikmati pengalaman bermain yang lebih menyenangkan. Ingatlah untuk selalu bermain dengan tanggung jawab dan nikmati setiap momen permainan Anda. Selamat bermain dan semoga keberuntungan selalu menyertai Anda!

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SAUDARA168: Situs Togel Slot Gacor yang Menarik Perhatian


Di era digital saat ini, permainan judi online semakin populer di kalangan masyarakat. Salah satu jenis permainan yang banyak diminati adalah togel dan slot. Di antara banyaknya situs yang menawarkan permainan ini, SAUDARA168 muncul sebagai salah satu platform yang menarik perhatian. Dengan berbagai fitur menarik dan promosi menggiurkan, SAUDARA168 menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang tidak hanya mengasyikkan tetapi juga menguntungkan. Artikel ini akan membahas secara mendalam mengenai SAUDARA168, mulai dari keunggulannya hingga cara bermain yang tepat.

Apa Itu SAUDARA168?

SAUDARA168 adalah situs judi online yang menyediakan berbagai jenis permainan, termasuk togel dan slot gacor. Dengan antarmuka yang ramah pengguna, situs ini dirancang untuk memberikan kenyamanan kepada pemain, baik yang baru maupun yang berpengalaman. SAUDARA168 beroperasi dengan lisensi resmi, sehingga memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman bagi para pemainnya.

Keunggulan SAUDARA168

  1. Beragam Permainan
    SAUDARA168 menawarkan berbagai jenis permainan, mulai dari togel hingga slot. Pemain dapat memilih dari berbagai jenis togel, seperti togel Singapore, togel Sydney, dan banyak lagi. Di sisi slot, terdapat ratusan mesin slot dengan tema dan fitur yang berbeda.
  2. Bonus dan Promosi Menarik
    SAUDARA168 dikenal dengan berbagai bonus dan promosi yang menarik. Dari bonus selamat datang untuk pemain baru hingga bonus deposit dan cashback untuk pemain setia, semua ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain.
  3. Sistem Keamanan yang Kuat
    Keamanan adalah salah satu prioritas utama SAUDARA168. Dengan teknologi enkripsi terbaru, situs ini melindungi data pribadi dan transaksi finansial pemain, sehingga pemain dapat bermain dengan tenang.
  4. Layanan Pelanggan 24/7
    SAUDARA168 menyediakan layanan pelanggan yang siap membantu pemain kapan saja. Baik melalui live chat, telepon, atau email, tim customer service selalu siap memberikan solusi atas masalah yang dihadapi pemain.
  5. Kemudahan Transaksi
    Proses deposit dan penarikan di SAUDARA168 sangat mudah. Situs ini mendukung berbagai metode pembayaran, mulai dari transfer bank hingga dompet digital, memudahkan pemain untuk melakukan transaksi.

Cara Daftar di SAUDARA168

Bagi Anda yang baru pertama kali mencoba bermain di SAUDARA168, berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk mendaftar:

  1. Kunjungi Situs Resmi SAUDARA168
    Buka browser Anda dan masukkan alamat situs resmi SAUDARA168.
  2. Klik Tombol Daftar
    Di halaman utama, Anda akan menemukan tombol “Daftar”. Klik tombol tersebut untuk memulai proses pendaftaran.
  3. Isi Formulir Pendaftaran
    Isi formulir pendaftaran dengan data yang diminta, seperti nama, alamat email, dan nomor telepon. Pastikan semua informasi yang Anda berikan adalah benar.
  4. Buat Username dan Password
    Pilih username dan password yang akan Anda gunakan untuk login ke akun Anda.
  5. Verifikasi Akun
    Setelah mengisi formulir, Anda akan menerima email atau SMS untuk memverifikasi akun Anda. Ikuti instruksi yang diberikan untuk menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran.
  6. Login ke Akun Anda
    Setelah akun Anda terverifikasi, Anda bisa login menggunakan username dan password yang telah Anda buat.

Memulai Permainan di SAUDARA168

Setelah mendaftar dan melakukan login, Anda siap untuk memulai permainan. Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk mulai bermain togel dan slot di SAUDARA168:

Bermain Togel

  1. Pilih Jenis Togel
    SAUDARA168 menawarkan berbagai jenis togel. Pilih jenis togel yang ingin Anda mainkan, misalnya togel Singapore.
  2. Lakukan Prediksi
    Setelah memilih jenis togel, Anda perlu melakukan prediksi angka. Anda dapat memilih angka secara manual atau menggunakan fitur quick pick untuk memilih angka secara acak.
  3. Tentukan Taruhan
    Setelah memilih angka, tentukan jumlah taruhan yang ingin Anda pasang. Pastikan untuk tidak melebihi batas yang telah Anda tentukan.
  4. Kirim Taruhan
    Setelah semua siap, kirim taruhan Anda dan tunggu hasil pengundian.
  5. Cek Hasil
    Hasil pengundian biasanya diumumkan dalam waktu tertentu. Anda dapat mengecek hasilnya di situs atau melalui aplikasi.

Bermain Slot

  1. Pilih Mesin Slot
    Pilih mesin slot yang ingin Anda mainkan. SAUDARA168 menawarkan berbagai tema dan jenis mesin slot.
  2. Tentukan Jumlah Taruhan
    Sebelum memutar reel, tentukan jumlah taruhan per putaran. Sesuaikan dengan budget Anda.
  3. Putar Reel
    Klik tombol “Spin” untuk memutar reel. Tunggu hingga reel berhenti dan lihat apakah Anda mendapatkan kombinasi yang menang.
  4. Cek Pembayaran
    Jika Anda menang, kemenangan Anda akan otomatis ditambahkan ke saldo akun Anda. Anda dapat melihat tabel pembayaran untuk mengetahui berapa banyak yang Anda menangkan.

Tips dan Strategi Bermain di SAUDARA168

Untuk meningkatkan peluang menang saat bermain di SAUDARA168, berikut beberapa tips dan strategi yang bisa Anda terapkan:

Manajemen Keuangan

Tetapkan anggaran untuk bermain dan patuhi anggaran tersebut. Jangan tergoda untuk terus bermain setelah kalah.

Pilih Permainan dengan RTP Tinggi

Pilih permainan slot dengan Return to Player (RTP) tinggi. Semakin tinggi RTP, semakin besar peluang Anda untuk menang dalam jangka panjang.

Gunakan Bonus dengan Bijak

Manfaatkan semua bonus dan promosi yang ditawarkan oleh SAUDARA168. Ini bisa menjadi modal tambahan untuk bermain.

Bermain dengan Santai

Jangan terburu-buru saat bermain. Luangkan waktu Anda untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat dan jangan biarkan emosi menguasai Anda.


SAUDARA168 adalah situs judi online yang menawarkan berbagai permainan menarik dengan banyak keunggulan. Dari sistem keamanan yang kuat hingga bonus yang menggiurkan, SAUDARA168 memberikan pengalaman bermain yang memuaskan. Dengan langkah pendaftaran yang mudah dan proses bermain yang simpel, situs ini cocok untuk semua kalangan pemain, baik yang baru maupun yang berpengalaman.

Namun, seperti dalam semua permainan judi, penting untuk bermain dengan bijak dan bertanggung jawab. Dengan mengikuti tips dan strategi yang telah disebutkan, Anda dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk meraih kemenangan. Selamat bermain dan semoga sukses di SAUDARA168!

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Get to Know the Development of the Metaverse and How It Works!

Metaverse Is – In an era as sophisticated as today, new terms about technology have also developed. In addition to the multiverse, there is also the metaverse which is currently being touted as being able to facilitate human activities, especially in the digital world, including in the fields of business economics to marketing.

Yes, this metaverse concept is considered to be the gateway to the virtual world which of course will be closely related to the digital world in the future. Later, all things in the future will be easy to achieve because the digital world is so closely related to technology, especially in the technology on our smartphones. So, what is the metaverse that is predicted to be able to revive the digital world in all fields?

How does it work and how does it rely on sophisticated technology? What is the difference between metaverse and multiverse? How is the relevance of the metaverse concept to human life? So, so that Grameds understand these things, let’s take a look at the following review!

What Is Metaverse?

The term metaverse, if explained linguistically, will be two things, namely “meta” which means ‘outside or beyond’, while “verse” is interpreted as ‘universe’. Both words come from Greek which means “outside the universe” or “beyond the universe”. The term metaverse first appeared 30 years ago, precisely in the early 1990s. At that time, metaverse was considered a method that connected humans (society) with the concept of avatars which were very dependent on technology.

It should be noted that in this virtual metaverse world, there are 3 main elements, namely:

Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Web 3.0 Technology
Blockchain Technology

Currently, there are quite a number of well-known companies that are involved in the metaverse world. Starting from Samsung, Microsoft, Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, to Adidas. In Indonesia itself, the metaverse world has apparently been eyed by a number of companies, some of which are BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) and BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia) which are ready to expand into the virtual world. The two banks will later enter the metaverse world with development carried out by the WIR Group under the name METAVERSE INDONESIA.

Many experts have defined what the metaverse is according to their understanding. According to Nicely (2022), he argues that “The metaverse refers to a shared online virtual world, similar to video games such as Second Life or Pokémon Go. It (the metaverse) is a realistic three-dimensional environment where people can explore and interact with others in real time.”

Then according to Weston (2022), metaverse is “Metaverse refers to a shared online virtual world, similar to video games such as Second Life or Pokémon Go. It (metaverse) is a realistic three-dimensional environment where people can explore and interact with others in real time”. Meanwhile, according to Stefanic (2022) revealed that “Metaverse refers to an online 3D world accessed through computers, smart devices, augmented reality and virtual reality headsets. Interaction and engagement are at the heart of metaverse principles, ensuring that users can be fully immersed in the online environment facilitated by metaverse technology.”

In this case, Metamandrill (2022) also speculates that metaverse is a concept of combining the online world with the real world (physically) to create something new. The metaverse concept usually uses certain devices, including virtual reality headsets to augmented reality applications. Well, through some of these devices, later we can explore new realities with 3D or 3-dimensional environments. That means, the metaverse concept is only limited by human imagination.

Based on the definition of what the metaverse is that has been put forward by several experts, it can be concluded that,

“Metaverse is a concept of space where someone can be directly involved in it by using sophisticated devices in the virtual world. In this metaverse, we can socialize, play games, and even shop, but only in the virtual world”

History of Metaverse Development in the World

In fact, this metaverse has developed in line with the increasingly sophisticated development of the internet. This is because the existence of the metaverse along with the virtual world and its contents can only be “reached” through the internet. Although the term metaverse has been around since the 1990s, real evidence only emerged in 2021. That was after Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg tried to develop this virtual world. Well, here is a review of the history of the development of the metaverse concept in the world.

1989 – The advent of the Internet

In 1989, Tim Berners Lee successfully created the internet. The beginning of the internet became the birth point of the metaverse.

1992 – The First Time the Term Metaverse Appeared

Precisely in 1992, the term metaverse first appeared in one of Neal Stephenson’s novels entitled Snow Crash. In the novel, it tells the story of humans as avatars who can interact with other avatars in a 3D virtual space. This 3D virtual space is considered a metaphor or comparison of the real world. Uniquely, the novel also describes how the 3D virtual space exists.

2003 – Second Life Launch

A scientist named Philip Rosedale and his team launched an online virtual world called Second Life at Linden Lab. Overall, Second Life is similar to a multiplayer online role-playing game, although Linden Lab stated that their world is not a game. In Second Life, users will call themselves residents and create virtual representations of themselves. These virtual representations are called avatars. These avatars will later be able to interact with places, objects, and even other avatars.

2006 – Roblox Introduced to the Public

The metaverse concept is also applied in the gaming world. In 2006, one of the online gaming platforms, Roblox, introduced a game that relies on the virtual world. In the game, players can create and share their game worlds with other players, thus creating buying and selling. The Roblox game development company also provides various game genres, ranging from role-playing, racing, to obstacle games.

2009 – The Emergence of Bitcoin

The existence of bitcoin is of course part of the metaverse concept. This is because bitcoin is one of the cryptocurrencies and blockchains. In the future, cryptocurrencies will also be a means of transaction in this metaverse world, starting from buying land, buildings, clothes, to other avatars.

2011 – The Metaverse Concept Resurfaces

In 2011, the metaverse concept resurfaced in public through a novel titled Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Overall, this novel tells that in the year 2045, reality has become a bad place so the main character will enter the virtual world and learn about it. A little trivia, the novel has been adapted into a film with the same title in 2018.

2014 – Oculus Production

In 2014, Facebook acquired the virtual reality (VR) hardware and platform company Oculus. The reason why Facebook acquired the company was because VR technology would later become an important device in the development of the metaverse world. Most of the head-mounted display devices to display the virtual world were developed by the Oculus brand.

2015 – Decentraland Released

In 2015, one of the metaverse platforms was successfully released under the brand name Decentraland. Developed by Esteban Orfano and Ari Meilich, in which the virtual world they created contained many assets that were of course in digital form. Even purchasing NFT (Non-Fungible Token) can also be done through this VR platform.

2016 – The Emergence of the Pokemon Go Game

Are you a fan of the Pokemon Go game? How far along is your journey to collect Pokemon Go characters? Well, it turns out that the game also uses VR technology. Although this game has now faded, it proves that we have “tasted” the metaverse concept through the gaming industry.

2017 – Fortnite

Similar to Pokemon Go, the Fortnite game also carries the theme of the metaverse world. Unfortunately, to get this game you can’t download it via PlayStore or Appstore, but directly on its website.

2018 – Axie Infinity

In addition to Pokemon Go and Fortnite, there is also a game that carries the theme of the metaverse world in 2018, namely Axie Infinity. Have you played it, Grameds?

2021 – Metaverse Development Through Two Technology Companies

In 2021, 2 leading technology companies in the world stated that they were developing the metaverse world. Yep, the 2 technology companies are Microsoft and Facebook. Microsoft is releasing a platform called Mesh, which is designed for virtual collaboration across multiple devices. Meanwhile, Facebook has changed the name of its parent company to “Meta” and plans to focus on developing this metaverse virtual world.

How the Metaverse Works

A little information, entering the metaverse world is also relatively easy. Grameds only need to enter and register on the platform that has been provided, for example Decentraland. If you have registered, immediately enter the metaverse world using the existing device.

As previously explained, this metaverse virtual world can run if we use special devices, ranging from headphones, virtual reality glasses, to internet connections. The way it works is almost the same when we want to play games.

First, prepare some of these special devices first. Don’t forget the internet network must be smooth, so that it doesn’t stutter while enjoying the virtual world. The devices in the form of software and hardware will later understand our movements, voices, and language. When the device is ready, we will only enter the virtual world and do things like in the real world, such as interacting, shopping, and making transactions.

In addition to the 2 devices mentioned, there are also additional devices such as haptic gloves, robotic hands, and VR sunglasses. The price range of these devices is relatively expensive, if they are high-tech and high-quality.

Difference Between Metaverse and Multiverse

Actually, there are obvious differences between metaverse and multiverse. However, not everyone understands this, especially since both contain the word “verse” in them. So, what are the differences between metaverse and multiverse? Let’s take a look at the following review!

A virtual world that has avatars that represent human beings.

Konsep dunia ‘di luar’ dunia kita sekarang yang disebut dengan dunia virtual.

Its existence is within reach because several companies have succeeded in developing it.
The idea that all of us on earth in this universe have copies of ourselves living in other universes. In short, there are other versions of us in other universes and we may not be the only ones in existence.

Taking real world concepts, but set in another universe.

Its existence cannot yet be reached by hand because it is only a theory.

Well, that’s a review of what metaverse is along with its history of development, how it works, and how it differs from multiverse. Are Grameds interested in entering the virtual world using VR devices?

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Getting to Know the Waterfall Method Implementation Stages

Waterfall Method Implementation Stage – Hello Grameds Friends, did you know that in making a scientific work, a methodology or research method is definitely needed? It turns out that this also applies to making software.

You need to know that there are various methods used to make software. One of them is the waterfall method. This method is quite well-known because it is quite easy to apply.

Waterfall is one of the software development methods better known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The method is so named because its development model can be likened to a waterfall, namely each stage is worked on sequentially from top to bottom.

This method is the earliest SDLC approach used to develop software. Historically, the waterfall method was first popularized by Herbert D. Benington at the Symposium on Advanced Programming Method for Digital Computers on June 29, 1956. He presented on software development for the Semi Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE).

Quoting an explanation from Arif (2019), someone who uses this method to be successful must understand the various requirements before carrying out the development process.

The main requirement for using the waterfall method is that there is an agreement between stakeholders and customers at the beginning of the project. After that, planning is carried out sequentially by adopting various phases in it.

Furthermore, Hutahaean (2015) added that this method is suitable for use if a team has reached a point called a well understood project. This means that there is an understanding of a project, making it easier to accept the software system. Likewise, processing will later become faster and more efficient.

This method will also be suitable for a project with criteria, namely having a small risk, not requiring continuous changes, a clear product description, and the project is supported by a team that has sufficient competence in carrying out the project.

So, what are the advantages of the waterfall method that makes it so popular among software engineers (SE)?

This article will describe the various stages, advantages, and disadvantages of this waterfall method. Read this article to the end, especially for those of you who are looking to develop software for business needs.

The waterfall method is a software development model that is analogous to a waterfall, because each stage is carried out sequentially from top to bottom.

Waterfall Method Stages

  1. Requirement Analysis
    At this stage, a developer must know all the information related to user needs for the software. For example, the software functions desired by users and the limitations of the software.

The information is generally obtained through surveys, interviews, and discussions. Furthermore, the information is analyzed and processed, so that developers obtain various fairly complete data related to the details of user needs for the software that will be developed later.

  1. Design
    The next stage in this method is design. In general, this stage includes technical design interests such as data layers, programming languages, services, and so on. Design specifications will generally be made to describe the business logic that will later be implemented technically.

This aims to provide a comprehensive picture of what needs to be done and the appearance of a desired system, thus helping to make hardware and system requirements more specific, as well as defining the system architecture that will be designed as a whole.

  1. Implementation and Unit Testing
    The implementation and unit testing stage is the programming stage. So the coding process is in this stage. The creation of the software will later be divided into small modules that will be combined in the next stage.

In this phase, an inspection is also carried out on the functionality of the module that has been created, whether it has met the expected criteria or not.

  1. Testing
    At this stage, various modules that have been created previously will be combined and integrated into an overall system.

After the integration process is complete, a comprehensive system inspection and testing will be carried out to identify possible errors and failures in the software.

  1. Operation and Maintenance
    Operation and maintenance is the last stage of the waterfall method. At this stage, the software that has been formed will be run and operated by its users. In addition, maintenance is also carried out in the form of improving the implementation of the system unit, fixing errors, and improving the system according to needs.

There are five stages in the waterfall method, namely requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.

Advantages of the Waterfall Method

  1. Clear Workflow
    The waterfall method has a series of measurable and clear system workflows. Each team has tasks and responsibilities according to their respective expertise. In addition, work can also be completed according to the previously determined time allocation.
  1. Good Documentation Results
    Waterfall is a methodical approach, because all information will be recorded properly and distributed to each team member accurately and quickly. With these records, the work of each team will be easier, and follow each direction according to the records.
  1. Saving Costs
    The next advantage of this method is saving costs in terms of resources spent by a company. This is because clients cannot interfere in the affairs of the application development team.

In contrast to the Agile method, clients can provide various feedback to the development team regarding changes or additional features, which will ultimately result in the company spending more money.

  1. Used for Large-Scale Software Development
    In addition to being used for small and medium-scale projects, this method is also considered suitable for implementing large-scale software development, which involves many human resources (HR) and complex work procedures. But again, everything is adjusted to the circumstances and needs of the project to be taken.

Some of the advantages of the waterfall method are a clear workflow, good documentation results, cost savings, and use for large-scale software development.

Weaknesses of the Waterfall Method

Some of the weaknesses of the waterfall method include:

  1. Requires a Solid Team
    To use the waterfall method, support from all stakeholders is needed. Each team must have good cooperation and coordination in order to form a solid team. If one team cannot carry out its duties, it will affect the workflow of the other teams.
  2. Still Lacking Flexibility
    All teams must work according to the instructions and directions that have been decided from the start. In addition, clients cannot express opinions and input to the development team at every stage. Clients can only provide input at the initial stage of software system design.
  3. Cannot See a Clear Overview of the System
    With the waterfall model, clients cannot see a clear overview of the system. This is different from the agile model which allows the system to be seen well, even though it is still in the development process.
  4. Requires More Time
    The process of working using the waterfall method can be said to be quite long when compared to other SDLC models. This is because the application development stages are carried out one by one, without being able to be skipped.

For example, the development team will not be able to carry out the coding process if the design team has not shown the design appearance of the application. This results in developers wasting time because they have to wait for team members to complete each stage. Ultimately, it makes the time required longer.

Some of the weaknesses of the waterfall method are that it requires a solid team, lacks flexibility, cannot see the system picture clearly, and takes longer.

How? Does the waterfall method look attractive with all the advantages and efficiencies it offers to be applied in the development of information and technology (IT) projects?


Metode waterfall merupakan model pengembangan  software yang jika dianalogikan seperti air terjun, dikarenakan setiap tahapnya dikerjakan secara berurutan dari atas ke bawah. Metode tersebut cocok dipakai untuk suatu proyek dengan kriteria, yaitu memiliki risiko kecil, tidak memerlukan perubahan secara terus-menerus, gambaran produk sudah jelas, dan proyek didukung oleh tim yang mempunyai kompetensi cukup dalam melaksanakan proyek.

Beberapa kelebihan dari metode waterfall, yaitu workflow yang jelas, hasil dokumentasi yang baik, menghemat biaya, dan dipakai untuk pengembangan perangkat lunak berskala besar. Sementara itu, kelemahan dari metode waterfall, yaitu memerlukan tim yang solid, masih kurang fleksibilitas, tidak dapat melihat gambaran sistem dengan jelas, dan membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama.

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Social Media: Definition, Origin, and Positive and Negative Impacts!

Hi guys! You must be familiar with social media, right? Yes, this platform has indeed become an important part of our daily lives. But, do you know what social media actually is, where it comes from, and what are the positive and negative impacts it can cause? In this article, we will discuss all of these things together. So, let’s continue reading so that you understand more and can use social media wisely!

Understanding Social Media

Social media is a digital platform that allows users to create, share, and interact with content online. In its most basic form, social media includes websites and applications designed to share text, images, videos, and other types of content with friends, family, or the wider public. Social media allows for two-way communication, where users not only receive information but can also provide feedback or interact with existing content.

Social media differs from traditional media such as television and radio because of its interactive and dynamic nature. These platforms are designed to allow users to create personal profiles, add friends or followers, and share content in real-time. Some examples of popular social media include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

A. Main Features of Social Media

Social media has several main features that make it unique and different from other media:

  1. User Profile
    Each user has a personal profile that contains information about themselves, such as their name, photo, and interests. This profile is the center of social activity on the platform.
  1. Social Network
    Users can add friends, follow other accounts, or join groups that share similar interests. This allows for the formation of a large and diverse social network.
  1. Shareable Content
    Users can create and share various types of content, such as text, photos, videos, links, and more. This content can be viewed and responded to by other users.
  1. Interaction and Communication
    Social media allows users to interact through comments, likes, shares, and direct messages. This interaction builds active and dynamic two-way communication.
  1. Algorithms and Personalization
    Many social media platforms use algorithms to serve content that is relevant to users’ interests and behavior. This helps improve engagement and user experience on the platform.

The Origins of Social Media

Social media slot gacor maxwin, which has now become an inseparable part of everyday life, has a long and interesting history. Although it may seem like a modern phenomenon, the concept of social media has actually been around for decades. Here is the journey of social media development from its beginnings to what it is today.

  1. Pre-Internet Era: The Beginnings of Social Communication
    Before the internet was invented, the concept of social communication already existed in simpler forms. For example, landline telephone systems, text messaging services, and amateur radio networks. This was the beginning where people began to look for ways to connect and share information quickly and efficiently.
  1. The Emergence of Computers and Networks: 1970s to 1980s
    In the 1970s, the development of computers and networks began to make digital communication possible. One early example was the Bulletin Board System (BBS) which allowed users to share information and messages over a computer network system. BBS became popular among the technology community and computer enthusiasts.
  1. Internet and World Wide Web: 1990s
    The Internet, which became widely known in the 1990s, brought about a major change in the way people communicate. When the World Wide Web (WWW) was introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, the world entered a new era of digital communication. Early websites such as GeoCities and Tripod allowed users to create personal pages and share content with others.
  1. First Generation of Social Media: Late 1990s to Early 2000s
    The rise of the internet brought about the emergence of the first social media platforms. One of the most famous was Six Degrees, which was launched in 1997. Six Degrees allowed users to create profiles, add friends, and send messages. Although it eventually closed in 2001, the platform pioneered the concept of online social networking.
  1. The Modern Social Media Era: Early 2000s to Present
    The 2000s saw the birth of several social media platforms that are still popular today. Friendster (2002), LinkedIn (2003), MySpace (2003), and Facebook (2004) are some prime examples. Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg, became the most dominant social media platform, with innovative features that attracted billions of users worldwide.
  1. Evolution and Diversification: 2010s to Present
    Social media continues to evolve and diversify. Twitter (2006) introduced the concept of microblogging, while Instagram (2010) focused on sharing photos and videos. Platforms like Snapchat (2011) and TikTok (2016) added new elements such as disappearing messages and short videos with creative effects. In addition, social media has also evolved into an important tool for business, marketing, and even political campaigns.

Types of Social Media

Social media has evolved rapidly since its inception, creating a variety of platforms with different functions and features. Each type of social media has unique characteristics that allow users to interact and share content in different ways. Here are some of the most popular and widely used types of social media:

  1. Social Networking
    Social networking is a platform that allows users to build a network of relationships with other people, be it friends, family, colleagues, or people with similar interests. Users can share statuses, photos, videos, and links and interact through comments and private messages. Examples: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+.
  1. Microblogging
    Microblogging is a platform that allows users to share short messages or “updates” in the form of text, images, videos, and links. The messages shared are usually limited in character, allowing for quick and to the point communication. Examples: Twitter, Tumblr.
  1. Media Sharing
    Media sharing is a platform that allows users to upload, share, and watch multimedia content such as photos, videos, and audio. These platforms are often equipped with community features that allow interaction through comments, likes, and shares. Examples: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Flickr.
  1. Discussion Forums
    Discussion forums are platforms where users can discuss, ask questions, and share information on various topics. Forums are usually organized by categories or subforums to make it easier to navigate and find relevant discussions. Examples: Reddit, Quora, Kaskus.
  1. Blog and Vlog (Blogging and Vlogging)
    Blogging platforms allow users to create and manage personal blogs where they can write articles, stories, and opinions. Vlogging, which is the video version of blogging, allows users to create and share videos on a variety of topics. Examples: WordPress, Blogger, YouTube (for vlogs).
  1. Content Curation Platforms
    Content curation platforms are social media that allow users to collect, organize, and share content from various sources into one place. This can be articles, images, or videos curated based on a particular interest or topic. Examples: Pinterest, Flipboard.
  1. Professional Networking
    Professional networks are platforms that focus on business and professional relationships. Users can create professional profiles, connect with colleagues, search for jobs, and share industry-related content. Examples: LinkedIn, Xing.
  1. Review Sites
    Review sites are platforms where users can write and read reviews about products, services, restaurants, and more. This helps other users make decisions based on other people’s experiences. Examples: Yelp, TripAdvisor.
  1. Instant Messaging Apps
    Instant messaging apps allow users to communicate in real-time via text, voice, and video messages. Many of these apps also come with additional features such as stickers, gifs, and location sharing capabilities. Examples: WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram.
  1. Community-based Social Platforms
    These platforms focus on building communities with similar interests. Users can join groups or communities based on specific hobbies, interests, or needs. Examples: Discord, Amino.

Positive Impact of Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, offering a variety of benefits that can be felt in various aspects of life. Here are some of the positive impacts of social media that we can feel:

  1. Improve Communication and Connection
    Social media allows us to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues, regardless of geographical distance. Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram make it easy for us to share important moments, send messages, and make video calls with the people we care about. This helps strengthen relationships and foster closer communication.
  1. Source of Information and Education
    Social media is a fast and broad source of information. The latest news, articles, and educational content are easily accessible through platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Many educational and professional institutions also use social media to share knowledge, tutorials, and online courses, allowing users to learn new things easily.
  1. Raising Social Awareness
    Through social media, social, environmental, and humanitarian issues can be more easily disseminated. Social campaigns such as #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, and various environmental movements have gained global support through platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. This helps raise public awareness and encourage participation in positive movements.
  1. Supporting Business and Marketing
    Social media has become an essential tool for businesses to market their products and services. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow businesses to reach a wider audience at a lower cost than traditional advertising. In addition, social media also helps businesses to interact directly with customers, receive feedback, and build brand loyalty.
  1. Building Communities and Networks
    Social media allows users to find and join communities that share similar interests. For example, Facebook groups for specific hobbies, discussion forums on Reddit, or professional communities on LinkedIn. This helps users to share knowledge, get support, and build useful networks.
  1. Creativity and Self-Expression Platform
    Social media provides a space for individuals to express themselves and showcase their creativity. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok allow users to share creative content like videos, photos, and writings. This not only provides personal satisfaction but can also open up career opportunities for those with special talents.
  1. Facilitates Activism and Mobilization
    Social media has become an effective tool for organizing and mobilizing social and political action. With the ease of sharing information quickly, users can organize events, petitions, and demonstrations more efficiently. This helps accelerate social and political change by engaging more people in a shorter period of time.
  1. Career and Professional Opportunities
    LinkedIn is a perfect example of how social media can help with career development. The platform allows professionals to build profiles that reflect their skills and experience, connect with colleagues, and search for job opportunities. Additionally, many creative and technical industries utilize platforms like GitHub and Behance to showcase their work portfolios.

Negative Impacts of Social Media

Although social media offers many benefits, such as improving communication and expanding social networks, there are also a number of negative impacts that need to be considered. Here are some of the negative impacts of social media that we need to be aware of:

  1. Addiction and Mental Disorders

Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and lack of self-confidence. Unhealthy social comparison and the pressure to constantly share the best moments of life can trigger feelings of inadequacy and social anxiety.

  1. Spread of False Information (Hoaxes)

Social media has become a fertile ground for the spread of false information or hoaxes. The large amount of content shared without verification causes the rapid spread of fake news, which can trigger confusion, fear, and even violence in society.

  1. Cyberbullying and Trolling

Social media provides a platform for harmful cyberbullying and trolling behavior. The anonymity provided by some platforms can encourage users to harass, intimidate, and insult others online, which can have a negative impact on the mental health of victims.

  1. Negative Impact on Mental and Emotional Health

High exposure to negative content, including violent, sexual, and hateful content, can affect the mental and emotional health of users, especially teenagers and children. Uncontrolled use of social media can also disrupt sleep, reduce sleep quality, and increase stress levels.

  1. Loss of Privacy and Data Security

The large amount of personal information shared on social media increases the risk of privacy loss and data misuse. Personal data collected by platforms can be used for unwanted advertising purposes, government or corporate monitoring, or even identity theft.

  1. Reality Distortion and Social Hatred

Social media often becomes a platform for reality distortion and the spread of extreme views. Personalized algorithms can create “information bubbles” where users are only exposed to views that are similar to their own, increasing polarization and social conflict.

  1. Disruption of Productivity and Concentration

Excessive use of social media can disrupt productivity and concentration, especially at work or in carrying out important tasks. Constant notifications and the tendency to “scroll” aimlessly can waste valuable time and disrupt focus.

  1. Decreased Direct Communication Skills

Reliance on communication through social media can result in decreased direct communication skills and the ability to build real interpersonal relationships. This can interfere with the ability to interact effectively in everyday life and build meaningful relationships.


In closing, we can conclude that social media has become an inseparable part of our modern life. From its inception to its current development, social media has made a major contribution in expanding social networks, spreading information, and facilitating interactions between individuals around the world. However, we should not ignore its negative impacts, such as addiction, the spread of false information, and mental disorders. Therefore, it is important for us to use social media wisely, understand its risks and benefits, and always strive to create a positive and safe online environment for all users. In this way, we can maximize the positive potential of social media while minimizing its negative impacts.

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Virtual Definition: Real Communication Using Technological Devices

Definition of Virtual is – In the past, communication, especially long-distance communication, was difficult to do. Even if it could be done, it would take days to do so. Thousands of years ago, people sent messages through third parties.

So first, we write a message and then give it to a third party to be delivered. Later, the third party will deliver it to the person we are aiming for. The further the distance between the sender and recipient of the message, the longer the message will take to arrive.

It usually takes days to months. That’s just the process of sending the message, not to mention waiting for a reply, which takes even longer.

Sending messages this way is also expensive, because we have to pay for the courier. As time went by, the postal system was invented and commonly used to send messages and communicate. Although cheaper and a little faster, this system still takes time.

It was only in the 1920s that telephone technology was invented, even then it was still very simple and only certain people used it. Decades have passed since the invention of the telephone, we can finally communicate more easily using smartphones. No longer need to wait months to send a message.

Now we only need a few seconds, not just sending a message or just hearing a voice. More than that, we can talk directly to the person virtually.

As previously discussed, now all communication is done virtually. So the question now is, what is virtual? We often hear the term virtual and feel its benefits in everyday communication. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic like now, we can’t meet our families often.

At the peak of the pandemic, people are more likely to stay at home, even on big days. Let alone going home to meet family in our hometowns, we are anxious just to greet our neighbors. Because we cannot meet our extended family who live far away, virtual communication is needed to maintain relationships.

According to KBBI, virtual has three meanings, namely real, very similar, and the last meaning is virtual is being present in real life using communication tools. Simply put, virtual is a technology that allows its users to communicate with other people as if they were meeting in person in the real world.

Nowadays, virtual communication is not only used to ask for news, but is also used in many fields. Including education, health, and even work is often done virtually.

Types of Virtual Communication

Virtual communication for its users does seem simple. This is because we have often used it. In fact, it can be said that every day we use virtual communication to contact many people, be it close people like friends and family, or contacting people for work reasons.

However, virtual communication is actually divided into several types. What are the types?

  1. Formal Communication
    Formal communication is a form of official communication. Formal communication, whether virtual or direct, is usually carried out for various matters relating to work, government meetings, and press releases from various media when there is important news.

During the Covid-19 pandemic like now, formal virtual communication has become the choice of many companies and governments to ensure that work can continue without having to be exposed to the risk of contracting Covid-19.

Like normal situations, formal communication within the scope of work is carried out by two or several people at once. Usually this communication uses video conference technology provided by many applications on the Play Store. The atmosphere also seems serious, and the topics are limited.

  1. Non-Formal Communication
    If earlier we discussed formal communication that seemed official, now it’s the opposite. Non-formal communication is personal communication carried out by two people who have a close relationship. This type of communication is only carried out by people who are close. For example, you and your immediate family members, or you and your best friend.

The discussions discussed in non-formal communication also have a warm atmosphere, with more diverse discussion topics.

Unlike virtual formal communication which has only become popular during the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual non-formal communication has been carried out long before the pandemic hit.

  1. Group Communication
    As the name implies, this communication is carried out by more than two to dozens of people who are members of a group. Usually this communication is exclusive and only attended by people who are invited to join.

To ensure that no strangers enter, the group admin will send an invitation link via email to its members. Later, members will click on the link and enter the event.

In contrast to informal communication which is rigid and informal which is relaxed, this virtual group communication can be a combination of the two. Sometimes it is carried out by friendship groups, organizational groups, or certain communities.

  1. Networking
    This type of virtual communication is actually similar to informal virtual communication. This type of communication also only really became popular after the Covid-19 pandemic hit. Given the skyrocketing cases every day and the government’s appeal not to gather with many people, companies inevitably closed their offices.

However, in order for the company to continue running, they implemented a work from home system or better known as WFH. In order to stay connected with each other and get the job done, workers conduct virtual networking communication. Its members are also limited to employees in the company with discussion topics that are not far from work matters.

  1. Informal Communication
    Informal communication is also similar to non-formal, but if some of the types of virtual communication above are carried out with careful planning and prepared topics, then informal communication is carried out without a plan or even accidentally.

Because this virtual meeting is carried out unintentionally, it is not surprising that the topics discussed can be very random and diverse. People who are involved in informal communication can also be a collection of strangers who have never spoken, let alone met in person. This type of meeting usually only happens occasionally.

  1. Electronic Mail or Email
    You must be familiar with email. Electronic mail or better known as email is actually not much different from the paper messages that we used to receive in the past. However, the difference is, instead of paper and enveloped, electronic mail is delivered virtually.

Instead of sending it to a home address, emails are sent to the user’s email address. And as long as you type the email address correctly, the message will definitely arrive.

In the past, the only company that provided email services was Yahoo!, today the majority of people prefer to use Google Mail aka GMail which is a messaging provider owned by Google.

  1. Chat
    Chat or instant messaging has become the most popular and most frequently used visual communication. With chat, we can send messages to one or many people at once in just a matter of minutes.

Interestingly, not only can you send messages, various instant messaging provider applications are now also equipped with telephone and video call features. So you can also call someone and see what they are doing at that time. Not only are instant messaging provider applications like WhatsApp provided, chat and video call features are also provided by social media applications like Instagram.

Advantages of Virtual Communication
Everything has its good and bad sides, and so does virtual communication, which is now widely used. Compared to other types of communication, virtual communication is clearly more advanced and also has more advantages that we feel every time we use it. What are the advantages?

  1. Faster
    In the past, to be able to send a message to someone, we needed months. That was just the delivery process, waiting for a reply was much longer. This is because the postman needs time to sort thousands of letters and deliver them to each address. However, with virtual communication, we no longer need to wait that long.

Virtual communication such as chat allows us to send messages directly in minutes or even seconds, and receive a reply message in minutes. And this speed of sending messages does not only apply to people in the same city as us, but also to people who are out of town or abroad.

  1. Cheaper Costs
    Although using postal services is not too expensive, it still costs money. Postage, stamp fees, and the cost of going to and from the post office. The further the destination of the letter, the more expensive it will be.

However, with virtual technology, sending messages can not only be done quickly, but also cheaper as long as you have internet access. Most people usually buy a monthly internet package for one hundred thousand or more. By buying this package, you can use internet access to do many things. Starting from simple things like virtual communication to watching movies and accessing the latest news can also be done.

  1. Making Communication Access Unlimited
    In the past, we only contacted people we knew. Now, with virtual technology, you can contact anyone you want. Be it people we know well, or strangers we have known before.

Interestingly, we can also communicate with strangers from other parts of the world, even our idols who have been difficult to reach can be invited to communicate. Isn’t that fun?

  1. Creating More Jobs
    Benefits such as faster and cheaper communication are two benefits that we have realized from virtual technology. However, not many realize that virtual technology creates many new jobs that did not exist before.

Starting from programmers, hardware and software development, and a number of other careers. It is indeed not easy to get a job in this field. The reason is, the company gives quite high requirements for its applicants. However, these requirements are indeed needed considering the work done is also enough to make your head dizzy.

Favorite Applications that Support Virtual Communication

The existence of virtual communication not only requires the internet and a smartphone, but also applications that support and can provide various features for virtual communication. Currently, there are many virtual communication applications that we can download on Google Play or Play Store. However, of the many applications, only a few are used by many people and are favorites. What applications are they?

  1. Zoom
    If you are one of the people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and have to work from home, you must be very familiar with this one application. Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, and forced companies to implement a work from home system, the Zoom application suddenly skyrocketed.

This application is widely used by employees from various companies to hold online meetings. With this application, we can do video conferences with many people. Another feature is to mute and turn off the video screen so that meetings can be done quietly without any sound interference from anyone.

This application also allows us to do video conferences with dozens of people at once without any obstacles. To be safer, members who enter must have a link to join. Without a link, you cannot join the meeting.

  1. Google Meet
    This application made by Google is actually the same as the Zoom application. Its main feature allows us to conduct video conferences with dozens of people at once. However, even though the function is the same, its users come from different backgrounds.

If most Zoom users are employees, in Indonesia, most Google Meet users are students or school children. Just like large companies, many schools have also been forced to implement a learning from home system during the Covid-19 pandemic.

With Google Meet, classes can continue even though they are done virtually. A teacher can still deliver lesson materials and interact with his students directly without any significant obstacles.

  1. WhatsApp
    You must all be familiar with this application, right? Long before the Covid-19 pandemic started, WhatsApp was already popular in many countries, including Indonesia. Unlike previous applications, WhatsApp is used to communicate with many people.

You can not only send messages, but also call and even make video calls with one or several people at once. This application is a favorite application in Indonesia. Because it is so popular, almost everyone has the WhatsApp application on their smartphone.

  1. Telegram
    One of the drawbacks of virtual technology is the possibility of our personal data being leaked to the public and used by irresponsible people. However, with Telegram, you can minimize this risk.

Telegram is basically the same as the WhatsApp application. You can communicate via messages, voice calls, and videos. The difference is, this application really protects the privacy of its users. Compared to WhatsApp, Telegram is indeed a little less popular in Indonesia, but this application is still worth using, especially if you want your privacy to be well maintained.

In addition to the four applications above, there are still many other virtual communication applications that we can use. Including social media applications such as Instagram. Not only uploading and viewing photos of people we follow, we can also send messages and make video calls with those people. How, exciting right?

That’s a review of virtual as communication that utilizes technology. For Grameds who want to learn all about virtual communication and technology, you can visit to get related books, so you can have information #LebihDenganMembaca.

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Understanding Technology: Types, Benefits, Negative and Positive Impacts

Understanding Technology – Currently, almost all activities that we do in our daily lives are always related to technology. With this technology, an activity that we do becomes easier to do.

Then, what is actually meant by technology? Well, to find out more about technology, you can read this article until the end, Grameds.

Understanding Technology

Technology is a word taken from the English word “Technology” which is absorbed from the Greek word “Technologia”, meaning knowledge expertise. The root word of technology itself is “techne” which means a series of principles or a rational method which is also closely related to the creation of an object, knowledge and art regarding various principles or methods, and skills and certain expertise.

In general, the definition of technology is a science that studies skills in making a tool, as well as processing and extraction methods from an object, in order to be able to solve various specific problems and daily work of humans in general. Some experts then also explain that technology is a means and infrastructure made by humans in order to provide goods that are then needed for the sustainability and comfort of human life.

Previously, the definition of technology was limited to various objects that had a form, such as equipment and machines. However, today, technology is something that has a form and is intangible, such as science, computer software, and many more.

Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), technology is the entire means of providing goods needed for the continuity and comfort of human life. So, it can be said that with technology, an activity will be easier to complete.

Types of Technology

Today, technology will touch almost all areas of human life. Based on the explanation of technology above, below are several types of technology:

  1. Information Technology
    IT or Information Technology is a technology that can help humans in conveying information to others quickly and precisely. This technology itself consists of a set of software or software and hardware or hardware that will later be used in a need to process, send, and store information.

In fact, various technological tools are also able to provide various information accurately and up to date to humans in a timely manner. Some examples of information technology include television, online media (blogs, websites, and portals), and many more.

  1. Communication Technology
    Communication technology can be said to be a technology that is able to help humans in communicating with each other and sending information to each other by utilizing a certain device. Currently, communication technology can be said to be the most widely used technology in human life.

The development of advanced technology today has improved the way of conveying information from one place to another more quickly, comfortably and with a high level of accuracy. Some examples of communication technology include smartphones, email, fax machines, and chat applications.

  1. Transportation Technology
    Transportation technology can be said to be a technology that is able to help humans in moving from one location to another in a short period of time. Some examples of transportation technology include electric trains, electric cars, ships, planes, and many more.
  2. Educational Technology
    Just like the name implies, educational technology is a technology that is closely related to the world of education where educational activities will also use special tools.

This educational technology is also made to improve the performance of learners by managing and building different resources and technological processes in the classroom environment or in other learning environments.

Some examples of educational technology include the latest teaching methods, online learning, computer labs, various school laboratory equipment, and many more.

  1. Medical Technology
    Medical technology is a technology related to the world of medicine where medical activities then use various computer technologies. This type of technology itself is considered the most useful and beneficial in improving and extending human life.

This medical technology includes a very broad field, where innovation plays an important role in maintaining human health and minimizing pain and accelerating the recovery process.

Some examples of products that are included in medical technology include tensiometers, ultrasounds, stethoscopes, X-Ray devices, body thermometer injection devices, and infusions, health consultation software, and many more.

  1. Construction Technology
    Construction technology is a technology that is closely related to building structures. This technology is also related to the tools and methods used in building a building or house, both from its basic structure and to its advanced level.

Some examples of construction technology include software for drawing a structure or AutoCAD, construction work methods, and various heavy equipment, and others.

  1. Architectural Technology
    Architectural technology is an important component of building engineering and also architecture related to construction methods, building design, and building materials. This technology can be said to be an application of modern technology for the purposes of designing a building, both from the exterior and interior of the building.

Some examples of architectural technology include building science, building engineering techniques, concept development and building design, and others.

  1. Agricultural Technology
    Agricultural technology itself refers more to the methods and technologies for machines used in agricultural and plantation needs. This technology is one of the modern technologies that has a great impact and has greatly changed human history.

By using this technology, work that was previously done by humans and domestic animals can then be done using machines and various modern equipment.

Some examples of agricultural technology that are widely applied in Indonesia include the Indo combine harvester, transplanter, soybean dryer, superior seed sorting machine, and waste treatment installations.

Benefits of Technology

  1. Business Field
    The benefits of information technology can then be felt in the business world. People who are involved in the business world will certainly get a lot of benefits, one of which is an increase in profits.

This will then be felt by business people who run their businesses online. With only a gadget and quota, you can start a business even from home. Of course, this can then save costs and reduce operational costs.

  1. Banking Field
    The benefits of technology can also be felt in the banking world. Currently, deposits and withdrawals can be done online. With information technology, you no longer need to bother depositing or withdrawing money at the office during working hours.

In addition, there are many ATMs and cash deposit machines that you can find in every corner of the city with 24-hour non-stop service. This certainly saves a lot of time and money. With information technology, you can use various technologies more easily.

You can communicate long distance easily and quickly even to foreign countries. Until now, you can feel the ease of communicating through social media on your smartphone to everyone in the world.

  1. Education
    The benefits of information technology can also be felt in the field of education. Along with the development of technology, you can use the internet media to increase insight and knowledge that you may not be able to find in books. In addition, in terms of school registration, which previously had to come directly to the desired school, now it has started to implement online-based registration which is considered to be very time-saving and more efficient.

In fact, now there are universities that provide distance learning facilities. Through the internet, you can connect with lecturers without having to meet face to face.

  1. Health
    Another benefit of information technology that you can feel in the health sector. It can be said that technology is very instrumental in improving management in clinics or hospitals. If in the past, recording a patient’s health history was only written on a file, now recording is also done by archiving it on a computer.

This will then make it very easy for officers to find out the patient’s medical records quickly. This computer-based medical record itself includes the patient’s clinical data from the results of a doctor’s examination or from laboratory results.

Negative Impacts of Technology

  1. Cultural “Colonization”
    It is indeed good to learn foreign cultures. However, there are consequences that arise, namely that people will love foreign cultures more than their own culture. If that happens, indirectly local culture will then be colonized by foreign culture. As a result, cultural values ​​​​that are passed down from generation to generation will be lost and the cultural identity of the local country will also be lost.
  2. Declining National Morals
    In addition to positive culture, negative culture can also be easily accessed from the internet. For example, pornography, violence, and other bad cultures. If what is imitated by our nation’s children is negative culture, then the morals of a nation will continue to decline, especially in teenagers and children. Therefore, a filter is needed when a culture enters the country.
  3. Creation of Anti-Social
    Technological advances can also make someone enjoy their time with the computer and at home more than socializing with other people. One of the dangers of internet addiction is making someone anti-social in themselves. In fact, humans are social creatures who need other humans in their lives.

Positive Impact of Technology
In addition to having negative impacts, it turns out that technology also has positive impacts. The following are some of the positive impacts of technology.

  1. Easy to Do Activities
    The first benefit of technology is that it is easier for a person or company to do various activities. For example, companies that are easier to produce goods because of the existence of sophisticated machines.
  2. Building Relationships
    For companies, with the development of communication technology in the form of social media, it can be used to interact with customers and build relationships. This company gets direct feedback, ideas, testing and manages customer service faster.
  3. Easy to Get Information
    With the development of technology, it will be easier for a person or company to get information globally. In fact, it doesn’t take long to get it. In fact, you can also exchange information with people abroad, such as using social media.
  4. More Measurable Data
    With an easy tracking system, sending messages becomes more measurable, so that companies can immediately know the effectiveness of promotions. This is not the case with conventional media which takes a long time.

Thus the discussion of the definition of technology to its positive and negative impacts. Hopefully all the discussions above make it easier for you to use technology wisely.

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